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Scott Brown: Abortion

I found some Democratic propaganda in my mail box today.  I found it very interesting.   The flyer said, “1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008.  Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn them all away.”

The  statement intends to pass the message that Scott Brown wants to pass laws prohibiting hospitals from performing abortions. If the intended meaning of the above statement were true, it would be difficult for me to vote for Scott Brown.  As an advocate for Individual rights, I believe that a woman has the right to abort a fetus if she chooses. This argument is stated best by philosopher Ayn Rand, but it is not the focus of this article.

Then I read further and the evidence to support the smear astonished me.

Scott Brown would allow hospitals to ban emergency contraception birth control even after women are raped.

The above statement means that a Catholic hospital against the idea of abortion should not be forced to perform abortions.  Words are important.  Allowing hospitals to refuse to perform a practice they deem immoral is not the same thing as wanting hospitals to turn rape victims away from emergency contraception—far from it.

In a moral society, a hospital can perform abortions or not perform abortions as they see fit.  A law to force hospitals to perform abortions is equally as immoral as a law prohibiting women from aborting.

It saddens me to think that campaigners assume their audience is stupid.  If I were a liberal I would wonder who is coming up with this non-sense.  I’m sure there are plenty of real problems with Scott Brown’s political philosophy.  Why make something up and try to trick your own constituents with word games.

According to On the Issues, Scott Brown has reportededly held the following views on abortion.

  • Abortions should always be legally available.
  • Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
  • Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.

Scott Brown’s campaign web site states the following.

While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion.

His case in favor of abortion is weak and unprincipled, but nowhere does he say hospitals must turn away rape victims who want abortion.

Mark Dohle

Massachusetts Senate Election: Brown vs Coakley

I voted for Scott Brown only because he said said he would vote against the Obama health care bill.  This would reduce the percent of “yes” votes to 59%— which means that when the Senate goes back to vote, the Republicans can filibuster—which I understand will slow things down enough for the public to get a grip on what is in the nearly 2000 page bill.  Then the bill might not pass.  Although I don’t usually vote for people I don’t know much about, I really don’t want the health care bill to pass.  See this article by John Lewis to get a glimpse of what was in the bill.  Below is the letter I sent to Scott Brown.

Dear Mr. Brown,

I will reluctantly vote for you on Jan 19.  Your stance on health care and capitalism in general is weak and unprincipled, but at least you will buy some time by saying no to Obamacare.

We want a free market in health care.   Everyone has the right to voluntarily contract with any insurance company and any doctor.  No one has the right to goods and services produced by another man.  No one has the right to health care.

“In Massachusetts, I support the 2006 healthcare law that expanded coverage, but I believe the Deval Patrick administration must do more to contain the costs of the Commonwealth Care subsidy program.” Scott Brown

NO! NO! NO!  A little bit of poison destroys a whole lot of otherwise good soup.  We don’t want Democrat Light.  If we wanted a Democrat we would vote for a full red blooded one.

If you are for free markets, encourage legislation that protects doctors, patients, and insurance companies from fraud.  Encourage legislation that ensures the sanctity of contract.  Pass legislation that forces states to keep commerce regular—allow out of state insurance to be purchased across borders.  Pass legislation that allows people to purchase any type of insurance they want.  Pass legislation that allows insurance companies to sell any policy they want— at whatever price they want—- to whoever they want.

Thank you,

Mark Dohle